Article Archive

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In thousands of pulpits and hundreds of Bible college and seminary classrooms, self-described evangelicals are denying that God is sovereign over His Word - and instructing an entire generation of Christians to think that way.
If God has not preserved every word, every letter of Holy Scripture as He originally gave it, then He has been defeated by Satan. We know this is not true.
God is sovereign over His Word, because it is the written embodiment of His Sovereign Decree.
Many people are placing their faith in a half-way "gospel" because that is what many self-described evangelical churches are preaching - and thus they are not truly born again even though they are told that they are.
In order to be saved, a sinner must have a "knowledge of sin" that goes beyond mere intellectual knowledge.
Romans 3:19-20 declares five undeniable facts about God's moral Law, and our relationship to it. In this age of global lawlessness we must understand them - and act upon them.
Mr. Biden and many others characterize the "battle for the soul of America" as a struggle to take the nation ever more deeply into lawlessness - and many, even in the visible church, are supporting such an outcome
What is a counterfeit mediator? What are some examples in today's church? How does Jesus differ from all of them?
Must you bow to the authority of a church's leaders to interpret the Bible for you, and permit them to add their alleged revelations to it?
The Bible tells us that there are many wrong ways, but only one right way, to confront counterfeit revelation in the church.
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