Broadcast Summaries

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In Colossians chapter two, the Apostle Paul tells us that a vital element in the church's battle front against Satan's threats is trust in a complete Savior. But today many church-goers aren't trusting in a complete Savior, because their churches aren't preaching a complete Savior.

What makes Jesus Christ the complete Savior? Stay tuned to find out, as we continue our series of studies in Colossians chapter two titled "Truth Above All".
Why must we "seek those things which are above, where Christ is" (Colossians 3:1)? How, specifically, is Christ's heavenly position vital to us for this life and the life to come? Stay tuned as we examine passages in John's Gospel and 1 Corinthians that are essential to our understanding of "the things which are above."
Colossians chapter 3 tells us that we are to "set our minds on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God." Literally, we are to synchronize our thinking with the truth of Heaven.

If ever a man did this, it was John the Baptist. In our last message we began to examine his testimony to the truth of Heaven in the Gospel of John chapter 3. Today, as we conclude this study, each of must ask crucial questions about the state of our own minds before God.
In Colossians 2:6 we find the first of four essentials for restoring the church's battle front against the world: "As you therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him."

How does one truly receive Christ? How does this govern our "walk in Him"? That's our focus as we continue our series, "Truth Above All" from Colossians chapter two.
This month on The Scripture-Driven Church broadcast we're remembering the Protestant Reformation. Today's postmodern Evangelical church has largely forgotten what it means to be a Protestant. Many Evangelical spokesmen are saying that the Reformation was a mistake, and that today we need a new kind of "reformation" - a counterfeit "reformation" that would overturn and repeal the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.

The kind of "reformation" are they promoting cultivates a return to Biblical illiteracy, reliance on sensory experience, promotion of theological pluralism, and trust in works for salvation. God's Word tells us that there is only one true Gospel, one true body of doctrine, one true faith - the Protestant faith reclaimed from the darkness of the Middle Ages by Luther, Calvin, Knox, and other stalwarts.

This is part one of a two-part message focusing on these glorious truths.
In part one of this message, we saw that many Evangelical spokesmen are saying that the Reformation was a mistake. They're calling for a so-called "new reformation" - one that would overturn and repeal the return to the truth of God's Word that took place during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.

We saw that the basis of this proposed "new reformation" is a return to the sad position of the church in the Dark Ages before the Reformation, especially in four areas: cultivation of Biblical illiteracy, reliance on sensory experience, promotion of theological pluralism, and a trust in works rather than faith for salvation.

In our last message we considered the first three, and we now turn to number four. And then, we come to the vital question: What does it mean to truly be a Protestant? We find the answer in Romans chapter twelve, verses one and two.
One of our most-requested broadcasts asks and answers this question. The answer is not what you'll hear from politicians and pundits or at tea party rallies.

We find it in seven words from Ephesians chapter 6: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood." Christians and churches that forget this vital fact are part of the problem, not the solution. Where do you stand?

This program originally aired in 2010.
What exactly is the Body of Christ? When did it begin? Who are its members? What is its relationship to Israel? What is Christ's purpose for His body in this world?
This message may revolutionize your thinking about the Word of God.
Scripture makes it clear that God isn't concerned with numbers in the way that postmodern church-growth gurus are. God does great and eternal works through faithful remnants -- preachers and people who understand that they, not the church building, are God's temple.
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