Broadcast Summaries

What Is America's Real Problem?

By Dr. Paul M. Elliott
One of our most-requested broadcasts asks and answers this question. The answer is not what you'll hear from politicians and pundits or at tea party rallies.

We find it in seven words from Ephesians chapter 6: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood." Christians and churches that forget this vital fact are part of the problem, not the solution. Where do you stand?

This program originally aired in 2010.

One of our most-requested broadcasts asks and answers this question. The answer is not what you'll hear from politicians and pundits or at tea party rallies.

We find it in seven words from Ephesians chapter 6: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood." Christians and churches that forget this vital fact are part of the problem, not the solution. Where do you stand?

This program originally aired in 2010.

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