Scripture and the Church

These words written by 19th-century British preacher Archibald Brown are a thousand times more vital in the 21st century.
This resolution explains that, "as with many unbiblical philosophies, there is a grain of truth in multiculturalism, but its errors are dangerous."
As long ago as 1889, British preacher Archibald Brown lamented that "amusement has become a recognized weapon of our warfare, and developed into a mission." One can only imagine what such a man would think of the visible church today.
This resolution's comparison of following after Hillsong's false worship to the sin of Israel in Numbers chapter 25 is highly appropriate.
This resolution explains the dangers of Christians entering into co-belligerence with unbelievers, even when the goal is the promotion of righteousness in society.
This resolution is of concern to all Bible-believing Christians, and is of special concern to readers whose churches are part of the apostate World Council of Churches, or national bodies such as the National Council of Churches in the United States that are affiliated with it.
As future president John Adams once said, "Facts are stubborn things."
On June 26-28 a PCA church will host a conference openly embracing "Christian homosexuals."
Sign-gifts constitute an area of doctrine in which we must be especially careful not to say more - or less - than Scripture says.
Dr. John Piper maintains a large following in Evangelical, Fundamentalist, and Reformed churches and schools. But we can say on solid Biblical authority that his teachings are damnable heresies.
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