Unlike the prophets of old, today's church is gripped by fear of the consequences of preaching the whole counsel of God.
While the statement in itself is excellent, we cannot commend Dr. MacArthur or his ministry to our readers because he denies and confuses the truths of the Gospel.
The greatest need of our day is genuine revival - a spontaneous, sovereign work of God the Holy Spirit beginning in the hearts and lives of saints who prepare for its coming through fervent prayer.
The job of Christ's Church is not to bring pressure, to protest, or otherwise engage in political action. The unbelieving world can do all of that, but it cannot do what only we can.
In our time a cancerous evil - the notion of so-called "LGBTQ+ Christianity" - is spreading in the church as a direct result of higher criticsm.
As the Holy Spirit declared through Jude, "certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ..."
The "spiritual formation" movement has absolutely nothing to do with the Word of God. It has more in common with Roman Catholic mysticism and the New Age movement.
Perhaps you have never heard the term "critical theory", but you may see its ungodly effects every day.
"We encourage Christians to publicly stand for the Biblical position on suicide, PAD, euthanasia, and abortion, while ministering with grace to those who have been harmed by the culture of death."
Seduced by the deceptions of the god of this world and void of this original American appreciation for the priority of religious freedom, the U.S. House of Representatives passed "The Equality Act" on May 17, 2019.