Profiting From the Word Chapter 8: The Scriptures & God's Promises

1 - The Spiritual Profit in God's Promises to His People

By Arthur W. Pink, edited by Dr. Paul M. Elliott
The greatness of His promises reveal the infinite greatness of the God who promises.

From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase

Part one of a series.

Editor's Note: In chapter eight of Profiting From the Word, Arthur Pink discusses the spiritual profit of a proper understanding of the manifold promises of God found in the pages of Scripture. The greatness of His promises reveal the infinite greatness of the God who promises, and the greatness of His grace to His redeemed people. In the Word we find promises already fulfilled in past generations; promises that are operative in the lives of believers individually, Christian families, and the church as His body in the present age; and, the promises of our future with Christ in glory. Perhaps the greatest of all is His eternal promise, "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). May these studies in various aspects of the promises of God, and our relationship to them, build our confidence in the One who has promised to be with us forever. - Dr. Paul Elliott

The Divine promises make known the good pleasure of God's will unto His people, to bestow upon them the riches of His grace. They are the outward testimonies of His heart, who from all eternity loves them and fore-appointed all things for them and concerning them. In the person and work of His Son, God has made an all-sufficient provision for their complete salvation, both for time and eternity.

To the intent that they might have a true, clear and spiritual knowledge of the same, it has pleased the Lord to set it before them in the exceeding great and precious promises which are scattered up and down in the Scriptures as so many stars in the glorious firmament of grace; by which they may be assured of the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning them, and take sanctuary in Him accordingly, and through this medium have real communion with Him in His grace and mercy at all times, no matter what their case or circumstances may be.

The Divine promises are so many declarations to bestow some good or remove some ill. As such they are a most blessed making known and manifesting of God's love to His people. There are three steps in connection with God's love: first, His inward purpose to exercise it; the last, the real execution of that purpose; but in between there is the gracious making known of that purpose to the beneficiaries of it.

While love is concealed we cannot be comforted therewith. Now God who is "love" not only loves His own, and will not only show His love fully to them in due time, but in the interim He will have us informed of His benevolent designs, that we may sweetly rest in His love, and stretch ourselves comfortably upon His sure promises. There we are able to say, "How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God! How great is the sum of them" (Psalm 139:17).

In 2 Peter 1:4, the Divine promises are spoken of as "exceeding great and precious." As Spurgeon pointed out, "greatness and preciousness seldom go together, but in this instance they are united in an exceeding degree." When Jehovah is pleased to open His mouth and reveal His heart He does so in a manner worthy of Himself, in words of superlative power and richness.

To quote again the beloved London pastor: "They come from a great God; they come to great sinners; they work for us great results and deal with great matters." While the natural intellect is capable of perceiving much of their greatness, only the renewed heart can taste their ineffable preciousness, and say with David, "How sweet are Thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth" (Psalm 69:103).

Next: The Spiritual Profit in Understanding To Whom God's Promises Belong


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