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Seven Incorruptible Things - News Update 11-26-2024

Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ possess a certainty - about today, tomorrow, and all the days to come - that unbelievers simply do not have.

From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase

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November 26, 2024: 19th-century Evangelist D. L. Moody once wrote a news article in which he said, "Some day you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody of Northfield, Massachusetts is dead. But don't you believe a word of it. At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone higher, that is all. And at the resurrection I shall graduate from this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal, a body that sin cannot touch, that sin cannot taint, a body fashioned into His glorious body. I was born in the flesh in 1837; I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die; but that which is born of the Spirit will live forever."

And that is the present certainty, and the confident future expectation, of every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.

We live in times of tremendous uncertainty. Who would have thought that we would witness the massive changes that have occurred, all around the world, during the past three years - in politics, in the economy, in religion, in education - and wars in the Middle East and in Europe? Election day here in the United States has brought a new set of uncertainties. Almost every day, it seems, some new development shakes the world's foundations.

But for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ it can and should be different. We can, and do, possess a certainty - about today, tomorrow, and all the days to come - that unbelievers simply do not have.

So today let's begin focusing on the basis of that present certainty and that great future expectation. The central theme that I want to put before us is a word that is repeated over and over again in the pages of the Bible: It is the word incorruptible. The Bible speaks of seven incorruptible things that determine both our present and our future as believers in Christ.

Four of those incorruptible things have to do with God Himself, and the other three have to do with God's people. Today I want to just list them for you. But as we continue over the next few weeks, I want to direct your attention to passages in the Word of God that tell us about these seven incorruptible things.

First, we have an incorruptible God. Second, because we have an incorruptible God, we have an incorruptible Word from God - the Bible. Third, because we have an incorruptible God, we have an incorruptible Savior - the Lord Jesus Christ. And fourth, our incorruptible Savior has incorruptible blood.

These four things, this chain of logic, is true of God. Our salvation rests on the incorruptible God and His incorruptible Word, and it rests on the incorruptible blood of the incorruptible Savior.

And because those four things are true about God, the Bible says that three other things are true about us: First, we have an incorruptible inheritance. Second, we shall have incorruptible bodies. Third, we shall receive an incorruptible crown.

These are glorious truths, and in these uncertain, chaotic times we need to get hold of these certainties as never before. And so I hope you will stay tuned for future updates, as we explore these seven great truths.

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