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The Angels' Gospel Proclamation - News Update 12-24-2024

This, Scripture tells us, is the reason Jesus came to earth in human form.

From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase

This, Scripture tells us, is why Jesus came to earth in human form.

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December 24, 2024 - In our last News Update, we saw that when God the Son came to earth in human form two thousand years ago, He came leading a heavenly army of angels. They were ready, with Jesus their Almighty Captain, to do battle against Satan and his army of fallen angels, or demons.

Why did Jesus come in such a way? We find the answer in First John chapter 3, verse 8: "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested" [in other words, for this purpose He came into the world in visible, human form] "that He might destroy the works of the Devil."

This is the authentic message of Christmas: Jesus came into this world to break the hold of Satan on this world at large, and on the redeemed people of God in particular. Jesus came to free sinners from bondage to the Devil. Jesus came to free sinners from the curse brought on this entire creation by the Devil. Jesus came so that He may one day restore this creation to its original glory - and far more.

And so Christ's angelic army came with Him shouting, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."
This is one the most misunderstood and misapplied sentences in the entire Bible.

Liberal preachers and secularists, and even many self-described evangelicals, twist these words to humanistic ends. Often we hear men and women, especially in the governments of this world, use the last part of that sentence: "peace on earth, goodwill toward men."

But the all-important words that begin this song of the angels - "Glory to God in the highest" - have no place in liberal or secular thinking, and sadly, no place in much of the church today. Sinful man has robbed the angelic song of its true meaning. Sinful man has made it a slogan of human glory, of man's own sinful aspirations.

And that is the way Satan wants it. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" is the last thing that Satan wants proclaimed. Satan wants all the glory for himself. Satan does not want peace. Satan is the author of confusion and destruction. He does not want sinful man to experience the good favor of God, and peace with God, through the salvation that Christ has purchased.

Psalm 24 asks the great question, "Who is the King of glory?" And the psalmist gives the answer: "The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle."

Colossians 2:15 tells us that by going to the cross Jesus won the greatest of all victories. "Having disarmed [Satanic] principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it" - that is, in the Cross.

Jesus is the God whom the angels glorified. God who won the victory over the powers of darkness by coming into this world in human form, doing battle with Satan and his forces, and defeating them at the Cross.

Dear friend, at this time of year I urge you to honestly face this question: Are you still under bondage to Satan today? If you are, that bondage will take you with him to the Lake of Fire for eternity. But at the Cross Jesus purchased freedom from that bondage, and a glorious eternity of life in the New Heavens and the New Earth, for everyone who calls on Him to be saved.

Dear friend, are you saved? Do you want to know how to be saved? Please reach out to us. We would count it a privilege to explain God's way of salvation to you - and to show you how you can truly celebrate Christmas for the rest of your life here, and for eternity to come.

We invite you to visit our website for more information and to access our free Bible Knowledgebase.

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