Broadcast Summaries

Christian Unity: Agape Love

By Dr. Paul M. Elliott
What is the foundation of genuine Christian unity? Does it mean joining hands with others who, in fact, aren't even Christians? Some popular preachers who have a large following among conservative Evangelical pastors and churchgoers, have fallen into this ecumenical trap.

What is the role of love in true unity -- the agape love we find in Colossians 2:2? It's not what many Christians think -- and that's our focus this week as we continue our series, Christ Above All: Studies in Colossians.
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Recently there has been a series of major conferences around the world, to promote what is called Christian unity. But the unity promoted in these ecumenical gatherings is a counterfeit.

The leaders of these unity efforts have demonstrated that they do not submit to the Bible, and they are in rebellion against the genuine Christian Gospel. Because that Gospel is offensive to many, the unity that these conferences are promoting is based on the broad appeal of a contrived, false gospel.

The saddest part of the story is that some popular preachers who have a large following among conservative Evangelical pastors and churchgoers, have fallen into this ecumenical trap.

They're joining hands at these conferences with others who aren't even Christians. They're helping promote a false unity that is not based on God's sure foundation. They're encouraging Bible-believing Christians to join with them in the effort. And they're doing it all in the name of "love".

What is the foundation of genuine Christian unity? What is the role of love in that unity -- the agape love we find in Colossians 2:2? It's not what many Christians think -- and that's our focus this week as we continue our series, Christ Above All: Studies in Colossians.
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