Answering Roman Catholicism

In the 21st century, many self-described evangelical leaders offer responses to the errors of Roman Catholicism that range from silence, to abject weakness, to open embrace of its un-Biblical positions. When confronted with vital opportunities to declare the vast differences between Roman Catholicism and authentic Biblical Christianity, they instead sow seeds of confusion and compromise. 

Our Lord commands us to preach clarity instead of confusion and Biblical separation instead of compromise. The distinctions between Roman Catholicism and authentic Biblical Christianity are not sliding-scale shades of difference. They mark an unbridgeable gulf between Christ and Antichrist, truth and error, Heaven and Hell. Here we examine these vast differences by comparing approved Vatican sources (which bear its claim of infallibility) with the Word of God. May the Lord, as He has promised, use His inerrant Word to accomplish the purpose for which He has sent it (Isaiah 55:11).

Pope Benedict XVI and a crowd of 1.5 million worshipped the body, blood, and images of Pope John Paul II during beatification ceremonies at the Vatican.
A macabre practice of the church of Rome graphically illustrates the vast, eternal-life-and-death difference between Roman Catholicism and authentic Biblical Christianity.
The Roman Catholic church tells its people that they can use what is, in fact, a worthless currency in the courtroom of God to pay for their sins.
Good works do not, as Rome claims, contribute to the salvation of a soul. But anyone who persists in thinking that good works do not matter at all is not a Christian.
The altars and tabernacles found in every Roman Catholic church are an affront to the holy God who has established His only begotten Son as the One who alone is "priest forever".
In the Roman Catholic church, the 21st century is the 16th century all over again. But few Evangelicals seem to be taking notice - or seizing the opportunity.
Under the Roman system, who can dispense forgiveness of your sins depends on who you are and what you did.
Authentic Christianity recognizes that the true church of Jesus Christ is the invisible church.
The difference reveals the essentially idolatrous nature of Roman Catholicism.
There is nothing wrong, and everything right, about an individual who received Roman Catholic baptism being "re-baptized" in the Biblical manner.
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