Scripture and You

Here is God's message to hearers and learners in the church: When you become a Christian you haven't arrived, you've just begun a life-long process with a great end-of-life goal.
Preacher, are you teaching the truth in full submission to the sole authority of Scripture? Is your keynote "Thus says the Lord," or merely, "Thus says this preacher"?
It has well been said that one of the supreme tests of godliness is what a Christian does - and does not do - when he is alone.
The Adversary of the sinner is also the Advocate of the saint of God. Which one is Jesus for you?
Much of what is called preaching or Bible study today is like trying to appreciate the wonders of the Grand Canyon from 35,000 feet flying at 600 miles an hour.
In the name of God, we implore you not to!
We do not have the authority to self-identify as male, female, or something allegedly in between. But far more vitally, we have no authority to self-identify as Christians. Just as God made male and female, only God makes a Christian.
God's Word itself gives us the answer, and the reason.
Christians enter 2023 as people in need. But do we understand our greatest need?
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