A "prosperity gospel" preacher didn't let Biblical facts get in the way of his "give-so-you'll-get" agenda.
The promises of God in Christ are not only a hope for the future, they are the hope of present reality.
What should a growing knowledge of Christ and His Word accomplish in the Christian on the inside?
Many pastors will tell you that soul-winning is the Christian's number one priority. But Scripture says that an ever-growing knowledge of God and Christ must be number one for the believer.
Early Christians were in constant danger of conflating the evil lies of paganism with the glorious truths of Scripture. We face the same danger today.
The true child of God will seek to pattern his life after his Lord. Is this true of you?
Even in these days of chaos, Christ who sits on the throne of glory is "upholding all things by the word of His power." None of the events we see around us take Him by surprise. They are all part of His plan.
The Bible itself gives the answer...
"I'm not a preacher. I haven't been to Bible college or seminary. How can I read and study the Bible profitably?" You can, because you don't need to do it on your own.